Innovative Management

Savant Management

Our focus is to get you focused!

Savant Management help SME and Aged Care organisations to operate in the most efficient and effective manner.

Enjoy corporate-sized competitive advantage and the agility of small business through our innovative programs.


Occupancy & Revenue

The right balance for sustained financial performance


Prosperity Partnerships

Goals, Accountability, Advice, Support, Results!


Management Services

Professional management teams for your business


Management Consulting

Studies | Strategy | Analytics | Projects

Innovative Management

Management Services

For a multitude of reasons managing the operations of business units may not be the preference of business owners and finding suitable managers with the required skill set is often difficult.

That’s where Savant Management can add significant value to your organisation!

Management Agreements are custom-made to suit each organisation’s requirements and can include as little as a small amount of oversight or as much as contract management of the whole operations, or somewhere in between.

Innovative Management

Occupancy & Revenue

We understand the drivers of revenue and the impact that changing one revenue driver has on other revenue outcomes.

For example, increasing ACFI reduces occupancy, impacts viability supplement and reduces RADs. A well intended initiative may have negative influences on other sources of revenue and the net outcome is unfavourable.

Savant Management consider all funding and operational areas of Aged Care facilities to identify opportunities and develop strategies for increasing total revenue and finding the right balance for sustained financial performance.

Savant Management have an eye for detail and Medicare Statements are difficult to reconcile. We'll let you know what you've missed and show you how to reclaim it.

Innovative Management

Management Consulting

Strategic Planning

Savant Management provides professional and experienced consultant managers to facilitate and guide organisations through their strategic planning process.

Reviews / Studies

Savant Management can undertake a special study or review of any qualitative or quantitative part of your organisation.

Customer Acquisition

Some customers are profitable, some are not. Find out which customers bring you returns and find out how to find more of them.

Services we offer


Senior Roles

Recruitment is handled by an experienced senior manager to ensure a focus on cultural fit and the right skill mix are used to find the right person.

Interim Executives

For rapid recruitment to fulfil short term urgent requirements, Savant Management provide interim executives to maintain business consistency whilst a detailed search for a permanent recruitment can be made.

Services we offer

Building & Development

Residential Aged Care

Savant Management pride ourselves in our ability to integrate organisational strategy with workforce efficiency and consumer purpose into Residential Aged Care designs. In Dementia Care, we use design elements, fittings and fixtures to reduce distress, calm behaviours and improve care outcomes in both secure and non-secure environments.

Retirement Villages

At Savant Management we know that the Retirement Village market is changing rapidly, that consumers’ needs are evolving and will continue to do so. We factor these market and consumer trends into master plans, unit designs and pricing structures to maximise the appeal and longevity of the product.

Innovative Management

Prosperity Partnerships

Business owners understand the value in managing performance, holding staff to account and motivating teams, but who motivates business owners and holds them to account, who manages their performance?

Prosperity Partnerships is a board made up of other business owners, where each ‘CEO’ reports on the performance of their business to the board. While each member collectively hold each other to account, the meetings are chaired by a professional Management Consultant to assist with strategy, focus and building confidence and self esteem.

For those that prefer a more detailed management plan, Savant Management can send out a senior manager on a monthly basis to support you through your challenges and help you to achieve your goals.

Trusted By Leading Business

We are lucky enough to work with clients that want to grow and learn every day.

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Glenn Gardiner

Principal Consultant
Contact Details
0404 834 646

A brief bio on our

Principal Consultant

Glenn Gardiner’s story is very different to the status quo executive and that’s why he gets different results. Glenn holds a Master of Management, a Diploma of Business Management and a Certificate in Workplace Training but it’s Glenn’s wide-ranging and varying career that gives Glenn the edge in maximising results.

Glenn learned a trade skill in his teenage years and at age 18 started his first business, Sydney Fascia & Gutter Services. Within 18 months this business was employing 4 tradesmen and providing services for some of Sydney’s largest and most respected project home builders.

After achieving the goals he set for himself Glenn parted ways with the business and commenced an executive career. Glenn worked in senior sales and management roles for various major wholesalers and manufacturers in the areas of Plumbing, Building, Agriculture, Hardware, Automotive and Automotive Repair before his second major career change into Aged Care.

Aged Care for Glenn provided the one thing that was missing in all the other industries – intrinsic reward. Glenn’s experience in Aged Care covers regional management of business outcomes and as CEO of a community owned Aged Care and NDIS provider.

Glenn is a community minded person who is an active member of NSW RFS and Chairman of See Ability.